We received feedback from Giveaway Leads and Warehouse Leads.  Accordingly, we revised *home sorting policy* as follows:

1. Only Giveaway location Leads and their approved volunteers are allowed for home sorting.

2. Unsorted boxes taken for home sorting must be used for their upcoming serves and cannot bring them back to the warehouse.

3. *Leads* are solely responsible for ensuring quality of sorting and making sure no volunteer takes any donations for their personal use. Leads must instruct and coach their approved volunteers how to sort.  If you are unsure of whether an item is appropriate to be served or is of high value, post a photo in the Whatsapp chat and consult with the leads.

4. Volunteers (kids and adults) who are claiming service hours must serve at locations. Sorting without serving at locations will not be allowed.

5. Only the Warehouse Leads are allowed to do home sorting and bring the sorted boxes back to the warehouse.