Charity Crossing’s Board of Directors thanks all volunteers for their service to the community. To appreciate and encourage volunteers for their service, Charity Crossing supports the following:
- Recommend qualifying volunteers for the President Volunteer Service Award. To be eligible, the volunteer must be a US Citizen or Green Card holder as well as earn enough service hours in a calendar year. Please check your eligibility by visiting the PVSA website.
- Recommend qualifying volunteers for the Delaware Governor’s volunteer award. Please check your eligibility by visiting the Volunteer Delaware website.
- Provide Community Service Letter or Recommendation letter as needed. CC-Admin requests 2 weeks’ notice. Please email your request to Certificates@CharityCrossing.Org Remember “Your procrastination does not constitute CC-Admin emergency“, so please plan in advance.
The basis for all the above is timely reporting of service hours. Please visit “Entering Service Hours” to access the web-based service log reporting application.