I would like to share an important event that my Charity organization(“Charity Crossing”) organized yesterday, March 5, 2022 “The Volunteer and Partner Appreciation Day event”. The Volunteers who were eligible for President’s Volunteer Service Award are honored with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals and Certificate from the President “Joe Biden” and Special certificate from Delaware Senator, Stephanie L. Hansen, 10th Senatorial District, and Nicole Poore, 12th Senatorial District., and top it up, an additional recognition and certificate from our Leadership Team of Charity Crossing, Jay Muthukamatchi, Founder & President, Charity Crossing and Veni Jayakumar, Board of Director, Charity Crossing. The Senators are kind enough to give extra special certificates and recognize the Volunteers who were not able to make up the hours to receive the PVSA award. No Volunteer is left out on the table in Charity Crossing.
To earn the President Volunteer Service Award and Medal(PVSA) the volunteer has to put up for Gold(Adults 500+ hours, Young Adults 250+ hours, Teens 100+ hours, Kids 75+ hours), for Silver(Adults 250-499+ hours, Young Adults 175-249+ hours, Teens 75-99+ hours, Kids 50-74+ hours), for Bronze(Adults 100-249+ hours, Young Adults 100-174+ hours, Teens 50-74+ hours, Kids 25-49+ hours).

Gopi Srinivasan
Related Photos and Video Links from this event
3. Proclamation and Key Note Speech by Lt Gov Hall-Long
4. New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer’s speech about Volunteering Matters
5. Ellen Cooper, CEO Elect, Lincoln Financials – speech about Inspiring the Youth
6. How volunteering helped to build Profile People Skill and Leadership Qualities – Karthi Jayakumar
7. Charity Crossing recognized its partners for their outstanding support during 2021
8. Congratulations to PVSA Award Recipients 2021
9. President Volunteer Service Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Jay Muthukamatchi!
10. Charity Crossing’s Volunteer of the Year 2021 – Raj Karpurapu
11. Proclamation from Delaware Governor and New Castle County
12. Thank you speech by Jay Muthukamatchi, Founder and President of Charity Crossing