I am asking my friends and family to support an important cause I believe in. I, Vaaris Patel, will help Charity Crossing expand and continue to thrive across the nation and, hopefully, even the world.
To Chandra Uncle, who has helped and believed in me throughout my life in the Charity Crossing Organization. He has helped me get to where I am in this organization and to continue to advance and help this organization even further. Thank you for the support that not only I would appreciate but also those that you can help.
Charity Crossing strongly believes in “Reduce, Repurpose, and Recycle.” One of CC’s signature initiatives is to solve the retailers’ challenge; CC accepts returned/offseason/unsold merchandise from retailers and finds new homes for it. Through this initiative, CC has collected and found new homes for more than a million items. Over the last eight years, CC has redistributed over $5 million worth of donations to community members.
CC’s other initiatives include the 5K Walk for Autism, blood donation drives, candy drives, holiday drives, hygiene drives, school supplies drives, and disaster relief and rehabilitation drives.
Our community service footprint reach includes the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and internationally India. Our impact include
510+ Volunteers helping 50,000+ individuals (+ Pets) annually.
100,000+ Volunteer hours ($2.9 Million in economic value).
500+ community events annually in four states (DE, MD, NJ, PA).
$5+ Million worth of goods repurposed & distributed to 180,000+ community members and their pets.
Saved 555+ lives through blood donations
2 President’s Volunteer Lifetime Award, 332 President’s Volunteer Service Awards, 13 Delaware Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Service Awards, Delaware Governor‘s Outstanding Volunteer Organization Award
Please watch highlights of our work here
Please visit Special Projects to learn more about them here

CHARITY CROSSING INC is exempt from federal income tax under the Internal revenue code (IRC) Section 501(C)(3). Donors may be eligible to deduct contributions they make to Charity Crossing under IRC Section 170. For more information, please refer to https://www.irs.gov/
Please use this form to donate to various Charity Crossing programs.