For some it is impossible. For us, it is no big deal. We are Charity Crossing; We do great things.
Many community organizations, religious centers, shelter homes, day-care centers, schools, universities, and libraries in and around Delaware, were short of many necessary items such as masks, sanitizers, and disinfectant sprays to protect themselves from the Covid-19 Delta variant. This shortage became even more dreadful as the schools get ready for the Fall semesters. That’s why Charity Crossing, a volunteer-run non-profit organization stepped in to help. Together, our volunteers distributed an equivalent of $800,000 worth of items masks, disinfectant wipes, and disinfectant sprays to help the community. From unloading to delivery our volunteers worked tirelessly to make sure every donation was given to a person who needed it.
At the beginning of our distribution, we had over 138 pallets; Charity Crossing donated them to many community organizations, religious centers, shelter homes, day-care centers, schools, universities, and libraries. Throughout this initiative, we not only gave to those in need but we connected, shared, and cared for those in our community.
In just 6 weeks, we distributed:
1) 1.14 million masks
2) 16,650 disinfectant spray cans and
3) 18,000 disinfectant wipes
Big shout out to the organizations and volunteers who made this possible.