If you are a student in need of a laptop for remote learning, please submit an essay (in no more than 300 words) answering the prompt, “How has this pandemic affected your learning experience?”
Email your essay to SSD@CharityCrossing.org.
If you or your organization is interested in supporting this initiative, contact Charity Crossing at SSD@CharityCrossing.org.
Connected Students: Laptop Assistance initiative is suggested and led by our youth volunteers Anirudh Ganesan, Abhinav Ganesan, and Tarika Selvaraj. Please encourage these youth volunteers’ hard work by supporting this initiative.
Do you know? studies show that 3.7 million students around the USA have no access to the internet.
Our mission is to help these disadvantaged students gain access to the internet and have the same remote/online learning privileges as everyone else.
- Must have an eligible student in your family.
- Must be in a low-income, economically disadvantaged, or single-parent Family.
- Email us your eligibility documents and current month Internet Service Provider bill to ssd@charitycrossing.org
Connected Students: The project Bandwith (Internet connection) idea was suggested and lead by Sai Harshith Suram
Alfred G. Waters middleschool (AGW)
Appoquinimink school district