Charity Crossing held a successful Autism Awareness Campaign in Delaware. It partnered with Indian Cultural Society of East Brunswick and conducted a Autism Awareness Walk in Heavenly Park, East Brunswick on April 15th. Charity Crossing volunteers participated in Southern Spice Radio and American Tamil Radio and promoted Autism Awareness.
Charity Crossing partnered with New Castle County Parks and installed five (5) Autism Awareness Signages at High 5 Play area in Glasgow Park, Delaware. These posters were created by Charity Crossing Youth Volunteers.
Through the various Autism Awareness efforts, this campaign reached more than 2,000 families.
Charity Crossing thanks all sponsors, donors, volunteers, Wilmington City Councilman Vash Turner, New Castle County County Councilman David L. Tackett, NCC property manager Paul H. Johnson Sr., NCC park officer Bruce Hunter, Caravel Academy, Insta Signs Plus designer Shawn Kirkpatrick, Mahendiran Periyasamy, Arumugam Petchimuthu, Indian Cultural Society of East Brunswick, Suchitra Srinivas, Tamil Association of Greater Delaware Valley (TAGDV), American Tamil Radio, Southern Spice Tamil Radio and Venkatesh Sadagopan for passionately supporting the cause.
Special thanks to New Castle County Executive Matthew Meyer and his staff for their wonderful support.
For the first time, Wilmington Water Pump Station was lighted Blue to show support for Autism Awareness. Thank you Wilmington City Councilman Vash Turner for making it happen.
We are working with New Castle County Parks department to conduct an annual Autism Awareness Walk event. Stay tuned
See you next year.