First and foremost, we are organically growing. Now, We have active, independent, committed, and passionate leaders and volunteers for our Wilmington and Elktons serves. They rock. Veni and I don’t need to be at the service locations. The distribution will happen without us.
Second, TCS (Tata Consultancy Services Inc.) and their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team members are actively supporting our community service initiatives. They raised $600 toward Hygiene drive.
Third, our volunteers are actively looking ways to maximizing donation and community service opportunities. This makes it easier to expand our service to other communities.
Fourth, a volunteer has reached out to us. She wants to start CC chapter in New Jersey. Woohoo.
Fifth, this Sunday’s serve in Wilmington had the most people. Happy to note that we are able to help many.
Sixth, We decided to give new stuff during this holiday month (December) to bring some cheers. 2nd week in December, we were able to do so. We have donations lined up for the remaining 3 weeks.
Finally, I received Good service award from Indian Cultural Society of East Brunswick along with a $250 check to Charity Crossing. I will share more about it in a different post. We will be using this donation for the Adopt-A-Family initiative.