Happy Diwali Delaware – Kids Under 18 – Veg Meal
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Hello Friends!
You are invited to celebrate Happy Diwali Delaware!
This cultural event will offer a peek into India’s diversity through traditional dress, dance, and cuisines.
For the first time in Delaware, we will be able to enjoy fireworks on Diwali Day! Join us to celebrate this historical day.
Also, you will get the opportunity to connect with diverse Delaware community members. Let’s get to know each other. You will also be able to meet and greet with your county and state legislators as well as participate in Q & A with your legislators.
Join in on the fun and festivities on October 6th!
Happy Diwali Delaware event schedule
4-5pm – Meet and greet
5 to 6pm – Cultural
1) US & Indian National Anthem on Veena by Sree Sista
2) Bharathnatiyam group dance by Salangai School
3) Performance by Krishna Village (need more info)
4) Bhangra Dance by Samrath & Suyash and Friends
5) Thiruvathira folk dance by Suma and team
6) Odissi dance group (Indhu is confirming with the participant)
7) Bihu dance group (Indhu is confirming with the participant)
8) traditional Kuchipudi dance that is done on a brass plate by Mahavi’s group6:30 to 8pm
9) Light Music by Madras Melodies8pm to 9pm
10) Dandia Dance (Indhu to coordinate the dandia dance and choreograph accordingly with all the interested people.)
11) Rajasthani bollywood by Kajal and Team
Is this a religious event?
No. This is not a religious event. Friends from other faiths are welcome. We are making arrangements to accommodate all.
What can I bring to the event?
People from different faiths and different practices will be at this event. This event is organized to promote friendship and accept others as they are.
Will we do fireworks at the event?
We are planning to do some fireworks fun with sparklers or similar, which are subject to approval from the government.
What food will be served at the event?
Vegetarian and non-vegetarian, which are included in the ticket price. Nuts may be used in food preparation. A cash bar will be available. You need to pay separately.
What is the dress code for the event?
Traditional Indian dress or party dress suitable for the occasion.
What is your refund policy?
Tickets are not refundable.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
No. Anyone can join. Children must accompany with adults.
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Free parking. Park your vehicle in the designated parking area.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
By e-mail at JM@CharityCrossing.Org. Please provide your contact information including phone and email id.
Registration and Release Form
In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the “Happy Diwali Delaware” I agree as follows for myself, and for my family members who participate and/or attend with me: I hereby waive and release, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors and administrators, any and all rights, claims, liabilities and causes of action whatsoever I or my family members may have against Charity Crossing Inc., its affiliates and the “Happy Diwali Delaware” operators and sponsors and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (the “Event Parties”) relating to or arising from my or my family’s participation in the Event, including but not limited to personal injury. I recognize the “Happy Diwali Delaware” has inherent risk of injury and I hereby assume that risk, and on behalf of me and my family. If I or my family causes injury to any person or damage to any property while participating in the Event, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Event Parties from and against all claims, suits, actions, loses, damages and expenses related to arising from such injury or damage. I hereby give my consent to Charity Crossing Inc., to use my and my families name and photographs, video and film (“Photos”) of me and/or my child taken before, during or after the “Happy Diwali Delaware” in advertising and promotional materials for Charity Crossing including but not limited to the Internet, without compensation. I agree that no advertising or other material need be submitted to me or my family for approval. I agree that all Photos of me and /or my family used by Charity Crossing Inc. and they may copyright material containing same. I hereby release, discharge, and agree to save harmless the Event Parties from any liability, including, without limitation, any claims for libel or invasion of publicity/privacy, by virtue of any use of my or my families name and/or Photos, including, any alteration of such Photos, whether intentional or otherwise. I have read and understand this Release and Consent and declare all information is truthful and accurate.
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